The Iasi Sports Festival


Despre eveniment

The Iasi Sports Festival

The Iasi Sports Festival is a sports event that includes several events dedicated to all sports fans, professionals and amateurs.
The event will take place over 3 days between June 2-6, 2024 and aims to unite those who practice different sports, develop a quality social life, build a competitive spirit.
You can choose to participate in one or a maximum of 6 samples:
Trail running (11 km, 21 km)
Road Running (3km, 5km, 10km)
MTB (15 km, 24 km, E-bike 24 km)
Obstacle course
Sports orientation
Races for children and people with special abilities
What are you doing on JUNE 2-6, 2026?
Come to the Iasi Sports Festival and be part of the movement!


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